The Dunstable Centre

Furness Partnership were contracted as part of a team to review Central Bedfordshire Councils leisure portfolio. The council aimed to form state of the art community hubs as part of its overall growth and regeneration plan. The hub concept was designed to bring services together under one roof, reduce running costs, enabling the council to provide more flexible services to its customers. Furness undertook condition surveys, feasibility reports and then went on to form part of the design team for 2 hubs.
The Dunstable Centre was an ambitious £20m part demolition, refurbishment and new build of the existing Dunstable Leisure Centre. The existing sports hall and pool area were reroofed and refurbished whilst the new build contained a new library, entrance, crèche, café, change facility, 100 station gym, office space, fitness studios along with a flexible community space which included adult day care / disabled sports facilities and a Citizens Advice Bureau.

The project received Strategic Facilities funding from Sport England and was designed to the Sport England Design Guidance Standards.

Furness Partnership are currently working with the same client on a further two leisure projects.